We started out with two great bills, each a little different, but either one of them would strengthen the state's Social Host law.
SB 859, authored by Senator Jim Halligan, was double assigned to the Senate Public Safety committee and the Senate Appropriations committee. It passed the Senate Public Safety committee unanimously February 17, and was referred on to Appropriations. However, it was not given a hearing in Appropriations and died in committee.
HB 1211, authored by Representative Dan Kirby, was assigned to the House Judiciary committee where it passed unanimously February 28. It then went to the House floor where is again passed unanimously 98 - 0 March 7, and was sent to the Senate. Speaker of the House Kris Steele and Representatives Leslie Osborn, David Brumbaugh, George Faught, Corey Holland, Sally Kern, Jadine Nollan, Charles Ortega, Todd Russ, Todd Thomsen, and Sue Tibbs have signed on as coauthors in the House. Senator Dan Newbery is the principal Senate author.
HB 1211 has also been double assigned to the Senate Public Safety committee and the Senate Appropriations committee. It must receive a hearing and "Do Pass" vote in both committees in order to move on to the Senate floor for a vote.
This is where I really need your help. I am listing the email addresses of the Senate Public Safety committee and the Senate Appropriations committee so you may copy and paste them directly from this page into your email. Please send them an email and ask them to give HB 1211 a hearing and a “Do Pass” vote in the Public Safety committee and then the Appropriations committee. You should copy your Senator as well, and ask them to support this measure and ensure its passage in the Senate. If you don't know who the Senator is for your district, there is an easy to use link on the left side of this page that says: Find Your Legislator. Click there and follow the instructions.
HB 1211 Senate Author and Senate Public Safety Committee Members:
Senator Dan Newberry - Author, Senator Don Barrington - Chair, Senator Ralph Shortey - Vice Chair, Senator Roger Ballenger, Senator Earl Garrison, Senator Constance Johnson , Senator Ron Justice,
Senator Jim Reynolds , Senator Steve Russell, Senator Anthony Sykes
Emails:newberry@oksenate.gov; barrington@oksenate.gov; shortey@oksenate.gov; ballenger@oksenate.gov; garrisone@oksenate.gov; johnsonc@oksenate.gov; justice@oksenate.gov; reynolds@oksenate.gov; russell@oksenate.gov; lewis@oksenate.gov
Senate Appropriations Committee Members:
Senator David Myers – Chair, Senator Clark Jolley - Vice Chair, Senator Roger Ballenger, Senator Cliff Branan, Senator Rick Brinkley, Senator Sean Burrage, Senator Brian Crain , Senator John Ford, Senator Jim Halligan, Senator Tom Ivester, Senator Ron Justice, Senator Bryce Marlatt, Senator Dan Newberry, Senator Jonathan Nichols, Senator Susan Paddack, Senator Andrew Rice, Senator Gary Stanislawski, Senator Anthony Sykes, Senator Jim Wilson, Senator Charles Wyrick
Emails:ingraham@oksenate.gov; jolley@oksenate.gov; ballenger@oksenate.gov; branan@oksenate.gov; brinkley@oksenate.gov; burrage@oksenate.gov; crain@oksenate.gov; fordj@oksenate.gov; halligan@oksenate.gov; ivester@oksenate.gov; marlatt@oksenate.gov; nichols@oksenate.gov; paddack@oksenate.gov; rice@oksenate.gov; stanislawski@oksenate.gov; wilson@oksenate.gov; wyrick@oksenate.gov
(Additional contact information for both the Senate and House members is on the left side of this page.)
Finally, don't forget to share this page and the Cody's Law Facebook page with family and friends who are concerned about this issue and ask them to contact the Senators also.
God bless you and thanks for your support!